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is this struts 1.x form bean in session scope or request scope?

I have been searching for a concrete answer for this, as much of google returns a lot of very old posts. Is this greetingActionForm in the request scope, or in the session scope? Is there any location besides the action and form-bean declaration to determine a form's scope?

    <action path="/hello/my/oldfriend"
        <forward name="success" path="/go/get/" />
    <form-bean name="greetingActionForm" type="com.forms.GreetingActionForm"/>


  • If unspecified, by default an ActionForm will have scope session.

    The scope of an ActionForm is specified on the <action> configuration as attribute scope. You can find this in the Struts DTD:

    The "action" element describes an ActionMapping object that is to be used
         to process a request for a specific module-relative URI. The following
         attributes are defined:
         scope           The context ("request" or "session") that is used to
                         access our ActionForm bean, if any.  Optional if "name" is
                         specified, else not valid. [session]

    This value is initialized in the org.apache.struts.config.ActionConfig class which represents the configuration information of an element from a Struts module configuration file:

     * <p> Identifier of the scope ("request" or "session") within which our
     * form bean is accessed, if any. </p>
    protected String scope = "session";