I am using tiles 2 with struts2. My tiles definition look like this:-
<definition name="store-tiles" extends="baseLayout">
<put-attribute name="title" value="test" />
<put-attribute name="menulink" value="support" type="string" />
<put-attribute name="slider" value="/empty.jsp" />
<put-attribute name="products" value="/products.jsp" />
I want to use title or menulink variale in products.jsp as jsp variable
<tiles:useAttribute name="menulink"/>
<c:out value="${menulink}"/>
It throws exceptions that expression is not allowed in c:out. I have seen the same thing working fine with Struts 1.x and tiles 1.x version. whats the issue with Struts2/tiles2 ?
Please give me a workaround.
I think this could do it:
<tiles:importAttribute name="title"/>
<tiles:importAttribute name="menuLink"/>
<s:property value="#attr['title']"/>
<s:property value="#attr['menuLink']"/>