I under stand how the pick type works in typescript. How ever I want a version of it that will pick all the strings out of an interface rather than using the keys.
interface Nested {
bla: string;
other: number;
interface Testing {
bla: string;
other: number;
list: Array<string>;
list2: Array<string>;
list3: Array<any>;
list4: Array<number>;
objecter: Nested
objecter2: object
type NewPickType<T,Type> = // Some Typescript interface Logic
type StringArrayOnlyType = NewPickType<Testing,Array<string>>
let obj: StringArrayOnlyType = {
bla: "", // error
other: 0, // error
list: [""], // ok
list2: [""], // ok
list3: [""], // ok
list4: [0], // error
objecter: { bla: "", other: 0 }, // error
objecter2: {} // error
Any ideas on how to build the NewPickType
Ended up figuring it out just after posting but this might help some other people.
export type PickTypeKeys<Obj, Type, T extends keyof Obj = keyof Obj> = ({ [P in keyof Obj]: Obj[P] extends Type ? P : never })[T];
export type PickType<T, Type> = Pick<T, PickTypeKeys<T, Type>>
export type OmitType<T, Type> = Omit<T, PickTypeKeys<T, Type>>
Needed to use two steps on to get they keys of the type I was looking for and one to filter the object using those keys.