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Spring boot Websocket without SockJS

I have been struggling with this for at least two weeks now. I'm pretty new to websockets. I have good experience with rest endpoints.

My use case is simple. Client initiates a websocket connection sending some info to server, and server uses that info and, sends client some info back at some regular interval say every 5 seconds. I followed the tutorial here - It works perfectly as explained. As per the above tutorial, client initiates a http request, which gets upgraded to websocket.

In my case front end is an angular 10 application, and the front end developer prefers to use rxjs/websocket and doesn't want to use SockJS client, as he is sure we don't have to support any legacy browsers, and this is where I'm struck. Apparently rxjs/websocket needs url in ws:// protocol.

From the following snippet, I thought my equivalent ws protocol would be ws://localhost:8080/test However, it doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure what is wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated!

public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer

    public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config)

    public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry)


From the tutorial, I changed app.js, as follows to test this out.

function connect() {
    // var socket = new SockJS('http://localhost:8080/test'); This works perfectly
    // stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
    ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080/test');
    stompClient = Stomp.client(ws);

    stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) {
        console.log('Connected: ' + frame);
        stompClient.subscribe('/topic/' + $("#site").val(), function (message) {

When I open up the developer tool of chrome and inspect, I see the websocket connection has be established and upgraded or that is what I see. However, in the console, I see an error log as follows. I'm not sure what is wrong.

Screen shot of network:

enter image description here

Console failure log:

stomp.min.js:8 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': The URL '[object WebSocket]' is invalid.
    at Object.client (http://localhost:8080/webjars/stomp-websocket/stomp.min.js:8:7229)
    at connect (http://localhost:8080/app.js:18:25)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/app.js:54:9)
    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (http://localhost:8080/webjars/jquery/jquery.min.js:3:10315)
    at HTMLButtonElement.q.handle (http://localhost:8080/webjars/jquery/jquery.min.js:3:8342)

Now long story short, I managed to disable SockJs on the server side, by removing withSockJS(). So what is my equivalent ws protocol URL?

Also, another challenge I have apart from this is, how do I set up a scheduled process that can send messages to a websocket topic that the client has subscribed, based on the input from the client. I know it is easy to set up a scheduled process using a @Scheduled annotation. But in my case, I wanted some inputs from the client which is required inside the scheduled process.

Also, please share any resources or examples that you have that explains how to implement a websocket stomp client subscription to a topic using rxjs


  • I was able to fix the problem by making two simple changes.

    1. I enabled my backend to support both ws and http protocols by adding two endpoints to the WebSocketConfig as shown below - one with and the other one without sockjs as shown below, which made my backend more flexible in terms of supporting both the protocols to establish websocket connection. I don't know why this wasn't mentioned anywhere in spring docs or else. Perhaps, people thought it is implied!
    public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
            public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config)
            public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry)
                    registry.addEndpoint("/test"); // This will allow you to use ws://localhost:8080/test to establish websocket connection
                    registry.addEndpoint("/test").withSockJS(); // This will allow you to use http://localhost:8080/test to establish websocket connection
    1. As pointed out by @arturgrzesiak in previous comment, there was an error in the parameter passed to the Stomp.client(url) I was silly and passing wsobject instead of plain url.
    stompClient = Stomp.client('ws://localhost:8080/test');


    If someone wants to use SockJS client to connect, they can connect using

    var socket = new SockJS('http://localhost:8080/test');
    stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);

    If someone wants to use just a plain Websocket object to connect, use the following.

    stompClient = Stomp.client('ws://localhost:8080/test');

    I posted this solution as this will be useful to someone out there who had a similar painful experience, and they might find it useful.