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Rollup package axios, can not be used

Axios is used in the project, then packaged using rollup.

On the browser side, it is normal. But the error is reported on the nodejs side.

Error info:

node test\test.js
ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined
    at dispatchXhrRequest (D:\Project\NodeJs\rollup-axios-error-demo\dist\demo.js:684:21)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at xhrAdapter (D:\Project\NodeJs\rollup-axios-error-demo\dist\demo.js:676:12)
    at dispatchRequest (D:\Project\NodeJs\rollup-axios-error-demo\dist\demo.js:1082:12)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:745:11)
    at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:266:19)
    at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:596:3)

I created a demo that will be available for you to view: rollup-axios-error-demo

The code for axios source code to distinguish the running environment is:

function getDefaultAdapter() {
  var adapter;
  if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
    // For browsers use XHR adapter
    adapter = require('./adapters/xhr');
  } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {
    // For node use HTTP adapter
    adapter = require('./adapters/http');
  return adapter;

But after packaging, it becomes:

function getDefaultAdapter() {
  var adapter;
  if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
    // For browsers use XHR adapter
    adapter = xhr;
  } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {
    // For node use HTTP adapter
    adapter = xhr;
  return adapter;

Caused the XMLHttpRequest to be instantiated on the nodejs side


  • In case anyone stumbles upon this, I had the same problem and resolved it by switching import axios from 'axios' to const axios = require("axios") in any file where axios was used.