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How to properly monitor all ELK components with Prometheus?

I would like to monitor all ELK service running in our kubernetes clusters to be sure, that is still running properly.

I am able to monitor Kibana portal via URL. ElasticSearch via Prometheus and his metrics (ES have some interested metrics to be sure, that ES is working well).

But exist something similar for Filebeat, Logstash, ... ? Have these daemons some exposed metrics for Prometheus, which is possible to watching and analizing it states?

Thank you very much for all hints.


  • There is an exporter for ElasticSearch found here: and an exporter for Kibana found here: These will enable your Prometheus to scrape the endpoints and collect metrics.

    We are also working on a new profiler inside of OpenSearch which will provide much more detailed metrics and fix a lot of bugs. That will also natively provide an exporter for Prometheus to scrape : you can follow along here, this is in active development if you are looking for an open-source alternative to ElasticSearch and Kibana.