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Minimum number of input bits required by a circuit to decode

I'm learning about computer architecture and I was reading about encoders and decoders. In a MIPS processor, the opcode has 6 bits. I was wondering how many input bits are needed to build a decoder to decode opcodes? I know that a decoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from n input lines to a maximum of 2^n unique output lines. Knowing that the opcode is 6 bits, does that mean I need only 3 bits because 2^3 is 8 and the theoretical maximum number of outputs will be 8?


  • The opcode in the machine instruction word is the input to the decoding process, which may involve a digital logic circuit of the same name, a binary decoder.

    There are 2^6 possible values for the 6-bit opcode field, and thus 2^6 possible different patterns of output (internal control signals) you might want to decode to.

    See for an incomplete table of some common instructions. (missing xori, probably others). also lists opcode details for another subset of the available MIPS opcodes. (missing bgezal and bltz for example.)

    Note that all R-type instructions share the same opcode, and the func field is used to select which operation. But I-type instructions do each use different values for the opcode field, leaving enough bits left for up to 2 registers and a 16-bit immediate. There are many more than 8 unique opcode-field values that a MIPS CPU has to recognize.