I know I can remove all word items that have just 2 characters with the following order:
data %>% filter(str_length(word) != 2)
In my Case I would like to filter all items with 2 characters but some specific words like "EU" should be still in the tibble. Is it possible to define some expections to the order above?
Say you want to filter all two-letters word except "EU" and "UE":
test <- tibble(word=c("Word", "Another word", "Wo", "Wa", "EU","UE"))
# A tibble: 6 x 1
1 Word
2 Another word
3 Wo
4 Wa
5 EU
6 UE
test %>% filter(ifelse(str_length(word)==2 & !grepl("EU|UE", word), FALSE, TRUE))
A tibble: 4 x 1
1 Word
2 Another word
3 EU
4 UE