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How to check if the system has license for `Simulink Coder?

Similar to how the command checkout RTW_Embedded_Coder shows whether an e-coder license is available or not, how to verify if a Simulink Coder license is available or not?


  • The license names for MATLAB products are confusing as they have changed over time as products have evolved. Licence name "RTW_Embedded_Coder" is "Embedded Coder" and "Simulink Coder" has the license name "Real-Time_Workshop"


    will return 1 if the license is available for check out or not.

    See this link on the Mathworks support pages for a more complete list of license vs product names.

    Or this answer tell you how to perform the name translation directly inside MATLAB

    com.mathworks.product.util.ProductIdentifier.get('Simulink Coder').getFlexName

    which returns Real-Time_Workshop