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( Adding reactions to an embed posted by a discord bot

To preface: I am VERY inexperienced with Python, and have never taken a class for it. This is my first time coding Python/making a discord bot.

Right here I have an embed that is triggered by a specific message. I am using a discord ticket bot (creates new channels that are private to a person who reacted to a message) already (plan to make my own in the future) and every time a new ticket is created, this embed is sent. I have seen posts on here about adding reactions to an embed, by referencing the channel id on the discord server, however I cannot do this. The embed is sent to a brand new channel every time I want reactions added. I'm not sure if I don't quite understand Python enough to actually do this, or if it actually CAN'T be done. Regardless, some help would be appreciated in trying to solve this. To be clear: I want to have reactions added along with every embed created (not in one specific channel but ones created on the fly).

import discord
import os

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))

async def on_message(message):

    if message.content.startswith('Welcome to Parakeets Mods'):
      embed = discord.Embed(title="Product Select", description="React to the emojis corresponding with what you need", color=0xE91E63)
      embed.add_field(name="​", value="<:dmu:841700430764310559> = ***-*** \n\n <:damascus:841700430492860466> = ***-*** \n\n <a:prestige10:841700430010777651> = ***-*** \n\n  <:ruavt:856345494674472980> = ***-*** \n\n ❓ = ***Questions***")
    #insert add reaction to above embed'TOKEN'))    


  • You can define the message you're sending and add a reaction to it

    msg = await
    await msg.add_reaction("✅")

    PS: You have to pass a unicode emoji when adding a reaction, to get it \:emoji: in discord, send and copy the message