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Terraform - no matching Route53Zone found

I'm trying to deploy a NextJS app via Terraform however I can't seem to get the Route53 Zone to work. I have registered the domain via Route53 and have setup a hosted zone with that very domain. When using the CLI command aws route53 list-hosted-zones I can successfully see the hosted zone there. However whenever trying to run terraform plan I'm met with this issue:

Error: no matching Route53Zone found

  on .terraform/modules/aws_static_site/ line 1, in data "aws_route53_zone" "zone":
   1: data "aws_route53_zone" "zone" {

Here is my tf file:

provider "aws" {
  region  = "eu-west-1"
  profile = "rozzle-static-site"

module "aws_static_site" {
  source  = "dvargas92495/static-site/aws"
  version = "1.2.0"

  domain = ""
  secret = "REMOVED"
  tags = {
    Application = "rozzle-static-site"

provider "github" {
  owner = "dvargas92495"

resource "github_actions_secret" "deploy_aws_access_key" {
  repository      = "static-site-demo"
  secret_name     = "DEPLOY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
  plaintext_value = module.aws_static_site.deploy-id

resource "github_actions_secret" "deploy_aws_access_secret" {
  repository      = "static-site-demo"
  secret_name     = "DEPLOY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
  plaintext_value = module.aws_static_site.deploy-secret

I can't figure out how this works. Hoping someone can help!


  • This appears to be a problem with the aws-static-site module. On line 22 of the module's, it does this:

    zone_domain_names = {
          for d in local.all_domains: d => join(".", slice(split(".", d), length(split(".", d)) - 2, length(split(".", d))))

    And in your case it produces this:

    local.zone_domain_names = {
      "" = ""
      "" = ""

    Which it tries to use for the zone data block.

    data "aws_route53_zone" "zone" {
        for_each = toset(values(local.zone_domain_names))
        name     = "${each.value}."

    This naturally fails, as you do not control the "" domain.

    It appears that this module only handles second level domains, not third level domains. I would suggest opening a bug report for this module.

    Also, as a quick and dirty fix, you can download the aws-static-site code and create a local module from the aws-static-site and modify the code to work only for third level domains by changing the number 2 to number 3 on line 23 of the

    zone_domain_names = {
          for d in local.all_domains: d => join(".", slice(split(".", d), length(split(".", d)) - 3, length(split(".", d))))

    NB. This local module will then only work for third level domains, not second level domains.