I have a problem loading data from text file in Octave. My text file looks like this:
# Created by Octave 5.2.0, Wed May 05 16:07:02 2021 GMT <unknown@DESKTOP-HEVT6O6>
# name: x
# type: matrix
# rows: 1
# columns: 3600
4.8899999999999997 4.9000000000000004 4.9000000000000004 4.9100000000000001 4.9299999999999997 4.9249999999999998 ...
I need to load those float numbers in one matrix and plot them in time domain.
My code so far:
fs = 360;
Ts = 1/fs;
d = fileread('ecg.txt');
data = regexp(d(1,136:62328),' ','split');
data = str2double(data);
ed = length(data);
t = linspace(0,Ts,ed - 1);
So My question is if there is another way to do it or if there is a better way to do it.
Your file is in Octave’s text data format. This is the default file format when saving variables to file with save
. That is, that text file was saved in Octave using save ecg.txt x
. The Octave command load ecg.txt
will load the file, and re-create the x
variable just like it was when it was saved.
Thus, to plot your data, just do
load ecg.txt