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Displaying json data in input field with Angular 10

I have a form that a user keys in and submits successfully. I want a user to be able to edit that form by clicking on an edit icon and edit the user data, I have managed to pull data from the api, but when I try to assign the access the values they are all null I end up with an undefined error what Am I doing wrong?

What I have done so far

   async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> {
        this._activatedroute.paramMap.subscribe(params => {
 = params.get('id');
        let user = this.service.getUserSession();
        if (user != null) {
          this.project =;
        this.userSession = this.userSessionService.getSession("usersession");
        this.projectId =;
        this.totalTeamsData = await this.teamService.getTeamList(this.projectId);
        await this.getTicketData();
      async getTicketData(): Promise<void> {
          this.ticketData = await this.ticketService.getTicket(, this.projectId);
          await this.toggleTicketDetails();
      toggleTicketDetails() {
        console.log("the dats is", this.ticketData); //this shows the data from the api with all the fields
console.log("the dats is", this.ticketData.title); //this shows undefined 

        this.title = this.ticketData.title;
        this.description = this.ticketData.description;
        this.teamId = this.ticketData.teamId;
        this.totalTeamsData.forEach(async (data: string) => {
          if (data === this.teamId) {
            this.totalTeamMembersData = await this.teamService.getTeamMembers(this.projectId, this.teamId);
            this.totalEAData = await this.teamService.getTeamEAList(this.projectId, this.teamId);
        this.assignedTo = this.ticketData.assignedTo;
        this.eaId = this.ticketData.eaId;
        this.countryId = this.ticketData.countryId;
        this.projectId = this.ticketData.projectID; =;
        this.priority = this.ticketData.priority;
        this.category = this.ticketData.category;
        this.status = this.ticketData.status;
        this.lab = this.ticketData.lab;
        this.impact = this.ticketData.impact;
        this.content = this.ticketData.content;
        this.resolution = this.ticketData.resolution;

when I Console log console.log("the dats is", this.ticketData); the json is there as

      "id": "4e600c3d-efed-43c2-b395-6238510dda24",
      "title": "Test",
      "assignedTo": "",
      "description": "Test",
      "resolution": null,
      "country": "USA",
      "projectID": "ABC",
      "teamId": "901",
      "eaId": "901",
      "countryId": "0001",
      "priority": "Urgent",
      "status": "Open",
      "lab": null,
      "category": "Duplicate",
      "content": null,
      "impact": null,
      "dateCreated": 1619313188806,
      "createdBy": ""

this a console log snapshot

enter image description here

why is this giving me undefined this.title = this.ticketData.title; and all others ?

The HTML sample

<div class="row">
                        <div class="col-md-12">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="title" style="color: black;">Title<span style="color: red;">*</span></label>
                                <input type="text" class="form-control" style="color: black;"
                                    required id="title" name="title" [(ngModel)]="title">
                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-md-12">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="description" style="color: black;">Description<span style="color: red;">*</span></label>
                                <textarea type="text" class="form-control" rows="3" style="color: black;"
                                    required id="description" name="description" [(ngModel)]="description">


  • your endpoint return the result as array of object instead of single object, you can notice this on the console log. the log started with "[" indicating the data is array.

    you can solve this by accessing the first element of the array then assign it to ticket data like this:

    this.ticketData = (await this.ticketService.getTicket(, this.projectId))[0];

    of course you can check for empty response array to provide better user experience like this:

    let dump = await this.ticketService.getTicket(, this.projectId);
    if(!dump && dump.length==0)
        //Notify the user of empty data
    else {
        this.ticketData = await this.ticketService.getTicket(, this.projectId);
        await this.toggleTicketDetails();
