I have a list of a number of filenames (containing spaces) which I want to use in multiple scripts.
myprog.py my favourite files
for f in my favourite files
I have tried using an environment variable but that fails due to the spaces. How can I do this?
Let's assume a file that has your list in it.
$: cat lst
this file.txt
my favorite.csv
that other.mpg
For simplicity, here's my version of one of your programs.
$: cat script1
for f in "$@"; do echo "$f"; done
So if I understand you correctly, you are calling it this way, and getting this sort of wrong result:
$: ./script1 this file.txt my favorite.csv that other.mpg
First, read up on proper quoting.
$: ./script1 "this file.txt" "my favorite.csv" "that other.mpg"
this file.txt
my favorite.csv
that other.mpg
and try using arrays.
$: mapfile -t ary < ./lst
$: ./script1 "${ary[@]}"
this file.txt
my favorite.csv
that other.mpg
This works inside the script too. Try just passing name of the file that has the list, and let your program read it.