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How to change text in the component base on the project I runs?

I build auth lib in my nx monorepo.

The auth lib contains LoginComponent (smart) and LoginFormComponent (dumb).

And I load the lib as lazy by using loadChildren to load auth.module and inside this module I have a child route to the LoginComponent which have LoginFormComponent.

Inside the LoginFormComponent I have text: "Login to my awesome app".

<h1>Login to my awesome app</h1>

The problem is when I want to add another angular application and use this auth components and functionality.

So when I use the auth from the new application, I'm getting the text: "Login to my awesome app".

For the existing app the text should be: "Login to my awesome app".

And for new app should be: "Login to ng app".

I have only one auth lib with one of login component.

So I looking for angular way to deal with such senario.

I was think about duplicate the component but it's not feel right. or to use i18n but not sure because it's for langs, or using forRoot and pass the providers with the text? using tokens with inject?

What the ways I can do to change the text? How to handle this issue? is it solution to angular for this senario?


  • I can understand your situation. Here is what you should do. I am assuming that you have created a @shared/auth lib under nx monorepo. The auth lib contains the LoginFormComponent.

    You should exploit ForRoot and @Inject() to achieve the same.


      // all imports etc
    export class AuthModule {
      static forRoot(appName: string): ModuleWithProviders<AuthModule> {
        return {
          ngModule: AuthModule,
          providers: [
            { provide: APP_NAME, useValue: appName }

    To avoid any circular dependency while importing APP_NAME, create a file as


    export const APP_NAME = new InjectionToken<string>('APP_NAME_PARAM');

    Lets go your LoginFormComponent


    export class LoginFormComponent{
      public appName: string;
     constructor(@Inject(APP_NAME) clientAppName: string){
         this.appName = clientAppName;


    <h1>Login to {{appName}} app</h1>

    Now, we are all set. Only thing left to do, is to use AuthModule in our app.module.ts


       imports: [
          AuthModule.forRoot("Super Awesome")
    export class AppModule

    This can help you reuse the AuthModule in other apps as well. You just need create a constant file for each app library and then move Super Awesome into that constant for better readability.

    It may not be completely relevant but, you can check this article for more understanding of ForRoot and InjectionToken

    I have extensively used it in my Nx monorepo projects. Its a standard way.