I am trying to capture incoming packets while sending continues packets in an interface (interval - 1 pps) using scapy. I tried sniff function with different parameters associated with it (ex. prn). But it didn't worked, since sniff not completes the action (sniffinf) to proceed send packets or not capturing packets in background.
My Requirements:
sniff(iface="eno2") <-- This listen for packets to capture (Actually Peer will send packets once it receives packets from this interface(control packets exchanges) sendp(pkt, iface="eno2") <--- This command not get executed since sniff execution not complete
You can try AsyncSniffer like Cukic0d stated or you can just create a Python thread which targets your sniffing function.
import threading
thread = threading.Thread(target=sniff_def, args=(arg1, arg2,))