Would it be possible to add some new code chunk option in order to
hide roxygen comments (beginning by #'
or ##'
) in the chunk?
My motivation is that I use knitr to create beamer slides from a
file. I process this file with knitr::knit2pdf
to get a pdf
file and also with knitr::purl
to get an R file related to the
slides. It would be great if I could use in my code chunks roxygen
comments that would show only in the R file produced by purl
but not
in the pdf, where code chunks must be very concise. Then I could
transform my R file with the great knitr::spin
to get a rmarkdown
file with the code chunks comments turned into plain rmarkdown text.
For example the following code in a beamer .Rnw
% One slide
We now show how to use the of \verb@each@ formal of the `rep` function.
<<myChunk, roxcomments.hide="knitr2pdf">>=
##' Using the `each` formal of `rep`
rep(1:2, each = 3)
The roxygen comment ##'
would not be shown in the pdf, but would eventually be shown in the rmarkdown code
Using the `each` formal of `rep`
```{r myChunk}
rep(1:2, each = 3)
Of course, it would not be complicated to make a script skipping
roxygen comments in the .Rnw
file before proceeding it with
, since roxygen comment marks do not seem to interfer with LaTeX.
The following solution uses the source
output hook to filter out lines starting with #'
or ##'
The hook is only "active" if the chunk option hideRoxygen
. The actual filtering of the output occurs in the line x <- x[!grepl("^#'|^##'", x)]
. After this, the default hook (saved in hook_old
) is executed, as recommended in the link above.
```{r setup, echo = FALSE}
hook_old <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("source")
knitr::knit_hooks$set(source = function(x, options) {
if(!is.null(options$hideRoxygen) && options$hideRoxygen) {
x <- x[!grepl("^#'|^##'", x)]
hook_old(x, options)
```{r, hideRoxygen = TRUE}
#' A sample function
#' @param x A parameter that will be ignored.
sampleFunction <- function(x) {
sampleFunction <- function(x) {