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Why web api methods are called multiple times

I am calling a web api method as shown below from angular,But web api methods are executed two times.Any idea why it is happening here. I have put a console log in origin ,angular code and confirmed that it is called one time from angular.BUt strange web api methods are executed two times, something like running on thread.

Angular code

 public Createsamples(): Observable<any> {
        var url = this.baseApiUrl + 'Test/Createsamples';
        return, JSON.stringify(obj), { headers: reqHeader, withCredentials: true });

Web api code

    [EnableCors(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
    public class TestApiController 
        public IHttpActionResult Createsamples()
            TestBO Bo = new TestBO ();
            var result = Bo.Createsamples(obj);
            return Ok(result);


  • You might be dealing with an RxJS side-effect.

    Observables are cold and won't do any computation unless there are any subscriptions done to it.

    Once you call subscribe or use the observable | async then the computations and Side-Effects kick in (in your case a network request).

    In order to avoid side-effects you need to make the Observable shared by using the shareReplay(1) operator and re-use the Observable on your template:

    // your component code
    ngOnInit() {
      this.dataSource$ = this.service.apiCall().pipe(
    <!-- On your HTML template -->
    <div *ngIf="dataSource$ | async as data">{{data |json }}</div>
    <div *ngIf="dataSource$ | async as data">{{data |json }}</div>

    Even though there are technically two subscriptions in this snippet, since we made the Observable shared you should only see 1 network request, and the result of it should be re-used.

    If you perform this.service.apiCall() many times, then every time you're creating a new Observable that is not related what-so-ever with the others and there's no way the Observable is going to be shared

    You can read more about sharing Observables and avoiding side-effects here