My question I have a play console in which I launched few apps. now I want to launch apps in different different dev accounts. So for launching I need to generate different keystore from the same pc. now the is question is there any similarities in keys generated from one pc or any threads which I don't know.and how many type of this keys can come into play. I am a beginner in this area
TLDR: There are NO similarities between keys generated from anywhere. The probability of two SHA1 colliding is close to NONE. (You can read more about it here) For this question, "I don't know.and how many type of this keys can come into play", you can have as many keys as you want, as keys are collision resistant.
Since you have introduced yourself as a beginner, I want to help you with more details. Here is my advice for you from my past experiences.
In order to launch the same app from multiple accounts:
Things that must be done:
Things I recommend to do:
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.