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Django oscar - customizing StockRecordForm form

I am trying to customize StockRecordForm in django-oscar administration. What I have:

  1. Forked dashboard app, also catalogue_dashboard
  2. Included new StockRecord attribute in
  3. Updated like this:
from oscar.apps.dashboard.catalogue import forms as base_forms

class StockRecordForm(base_forms.StockRecordForm):

    class Meta(base_forms.StockRecordForm.Meta):
        fields = [
            'partner', 'partner_sku',
            'price_currency', 'price',
            'num_in_stock', 'low_stock_threshold', 'new_attribute',

Part of my INSTALLED_APPS looks like this:


But modification is not showing up. Is there anything else I should modify?


  • Allright, I am surprised that in this case I have to actually modify template to show the new fields (unlike ProductForm etc.), I presumpted that all chosen attributes will be shown in forms automatically, but I was wrong.