I learn to use set video mode and print a string on it.
.model small
.stack 200h
org 100h
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
; video mode
xor ah, ah
mov al, 03h
int 10h
; print string
mov ah, 0eh
mov al, "!"
int 10h
end mulai
Assembling and linking using TASM
tasm foo.asm
tlink foo
How I can print a string centered (vertical and horizontal) ?
Output :
Expected output :
| |
| |
| |
| ! |
| |
| |
| |
| |
For outputting a character at a specific location on the screen, you can set the cursor using the BIOS.SetCursorPosition function 02h. You'll have to specify the column number in the DL
register, and the row number in the DH
register. And because the graphics card supports outputting on up to 8 different pages when you're in video mode 03h, you'll have to specify that page in the BH
The text video mode 03h has 80 columns and 25 rows, therefore the center is at column 40 (28h) and row 12 (0Ch).
mov dx, 0C28h ; Row=12 (in DH), Column=40 (in DL)
mov bh, 0 ; Page=0
mov ah, 02h ; BIOS.SetCursorPosition
int 10h
Hereafter the BIOS.Teletype function will output the character at (40,12) and leave the cursor at (41,12) ready for your next output of a character...
mov bh, 0 ; Page=0
mov ax, 0E21h ; BIOS.Teletype (in AH), Character=33 (in AL) 33 is ASCII of "!"
int 10h
Here also, for outputting a character at a specific location on the screen, you can set the cursor using the BIOS.SetCursorPosition function 02h. You'll have to specify the column number in the DL
register, and the row number in the DH
register. And because the graphics card supports outputting on just 1 page when you're in video mode 13h, you'll have to specify 0 in the BH
The graphics video mode 13h has 320 pixels in the horizontal direction and 200 pixels in the vertical direction. A pixel can be shown in any of 256 colors. Although this screen is All Points Addressable (APA), displaying characters is just as easy as in the text video modes. You can use the same output functions.
The graphics video mode 13h has 40 columns and 25 rows, therefore the center is at column 20 (14h) and row 12 (0Ch).
mov dx, 0C14h ; Row=12 (in DH), Column=20 (in DL)
mov bh, 0 ; Page=0
mov ah, 02h ; BIOS.SetCursorPosition
int 10h
Hereafter the BIOS.Teletype function will output the character at (20,12) and leave the cursor at (21,12) ready for your next output of a character...
mov bx, 000Fh ; Page=0 (in BH), Color=15 (in BL) 15 is BrightWhite
mov ax, 0E21h ; BIOS.Teletype (in AH), Character=33 (in AL) 33 is ASCII of "!"
int 10h