Am trying to modify Personal details page in myaccount, i want to add new input fields, remove some existing input fields, how to achieve this, appreciate your help. Thanks.
General way of replacing a CMS component
- find the flexType of the component, or the component typecode from the /pages request in your browser tools - network tab.
- generate a module and a component with the ng-cli (
ng g m your-profile-details
followed by ng g c your-profile-details
- configure your component to be used
- copy the entire HTML from the OOTB source code
- in the *component.ts file, you extend the OOTB component
extends XXComponent
- sometimes you have to copy the implementation as well, depending on the visibility of the attributes / functions in the OOTB component.
Run yarn run start
and verify if your component is now in use!
Modify your component HTML to your liking.