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Assign a variadic array of strings by reference in C#

I have a class called Category that takes a variadic constructor. The arguments are strings.

class Category
    string[] definedSets;  // Sets supplied to the constructor

    public Category(params string[] specifiedSets)
        definedSets = specifiedSets;


A call to the constructor might look like Category myCat = new Category(myString1, myString2);

The problem is that I would like definedSets to change if the content of myString1 or myString2 changes. I tried definedSets = ref specifiedSets;, but I get an error The left hand side of a ref assignment must be a ref variable and I don't know how to resolve that.

Am I on the right track here? What do I do?


  • strings are immutable, and you can not change their value. Whenever you assign a new value it allocates new memory. It is not possible to refer to the same memory location every time.

    I would suggest to use the StringBuilder class and change type of definedSets to StringBuilder,

    public class Category
        StringBuilder[] definedSets;  // Sets supplied to the constructor
        public Category(StringBuilder specifiedSets)
            this.definedSets = specifiedSets;

    Proof of concept: .NET Fiddle