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Cannot retrieve correct historic rates using Coinbase Pro API

I'm trying to retrieve historical data for coinbase products. According to their documentation, it should be sufficient to perform a request like this one:

curl ""

I've set following parameters:

  • granularity to 60 (seconds)
  • start to 2018-10-05T14:00:00.000z (iso 8601)
  • end to 2018-10-05T14:10:00.000z (iso 8601)

I'm asking data for 10 minutes, with a granularity of 60 seconds, so I was expecting ten candles data.

Instead I obtain a set of 300 candles, that's the maximum, and the timestamps are also wrong. For example the first value is:


The timestamp is the first value, and according to an epoch converter, it's equal to Saturday, 19 June 2021 16:11:00, that's the day in which I performed the request, not the timestamp that I was expenting for that candle data according to start date that I've set.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What should I do in order to retrieve data correctly?


  • It should be end, not stop. You quote the doc correctly, but the param itself is incorrect. Already voted to close this one as typo-based. :)

    What's funny about their API is that if one of the params is omitted, another is just ignored. That's why you end up having incorrect timestamps in your response.