df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pd.DataFrame([('id1', ['a','b','c']),
('id2', ['a','b','d']),
('id3', ['c','e','f'])],
columns=['id', 'items']))
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col, when
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType, IntegerType
filter_array_udf = udf(lambda arr: [1 if (x =='a' and x=='b') else 0 for x in arr], "int")
df2 = df.withColumn("listed1", filter_array_udf(col("items")))
I am trying to get the row flagged if a certain id contains 'a' or 'b' string. for which the udf returns null value. I am fairly new to udfs. What do i have to change in the given udf to get the desired result
This works for just a single string but if I pass ['a', 'b'] in array. It throws error
Unsupported literal type class java.util.ArrayList [a, b]
Use array_intersect
to check the elements are in the array column.
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
df.withColumn('temp', f.array_intersect(f.col('items'), f.array(f.lit('a'), f.lit('b')))) \
.withColumn('listed1', f.expr('if(temp != array(), true, false)')) \
.show(10, False)
|id |items |temp |listed1|
|id1|[a, b, c]|[a, b]|true |
|id2|[a, b, d]|[a, b]|true |
|id3|[c, e, f]|[] |false |