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Adding a line break or 3rd line of text in Rshiny valuebox?

I'm trying to create a valuebox but my problem is that the subtitle text is too long.

Here is my code

         paste('Number of Cars',':','City','is Chicago'))

enter image description here

But my Goal would be something like this

enter image description here

I tried using "\n" but it didn't work.


  • I used paste0() instead, I was able to do this using HTML linebreak code <br>. I think it might depend if you are using flexdashboard, or shiny. But this should help hopefully.

    title: "Old Faithful Eruptions"
    output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard
    runtime: shiny
    flexdashboard::valueBox(42, paste0('Number of Cars',':','<br>','City ','is Chicago'))

    enter image description here