I have a subclass of SimpleDecoratingHttpService
that contains something like this:
override fun serve(ctx: ServiceRequestContext, req: HttpRequest): HttpResponse {
ctx.log().whenComplete().thenAccept {
if (it.responseCause() == ...) {
// do stuff
return unwrap().serve(ctx, req)
I want to test the logic inside the whenComplete()
callback. However, when writing tests like this:
myDecorator.serve(context, request).aggregate().join()
the log()
future never completes. What do I need to do to ensure that the log()
future eventually completes?
completionA RequestLog
is completed by Armeria's networking layer, so just consuming an HttpRequest
or HttpResponse
will not complete a RequestLog
. To complete it, you need to call the methods in RequestLogBuilder
var myDecorator = new MySimpleDecoratingHttpService(...);
var ctx = ServiceRequestContext.of(
HttpRequest.of(HttpMethod.GET, "/hello"));
var req = ctx.request();
var res = myDecorator.serve(ctx, ctx.req).aggregate().join();
// Fill the log.
assert ctx.log().isRequestComplete();
assert ctx.log().isComplete();
Armeria team uses the same technique for testing BraveService
, so you might want to check it out as well at BraveServiceTest.java:161.
If your setup is too complex to use a mock, as an alternative approach, you can launch a real Armeria server so that Armeria fills the log for you. You can easily launch a server using ServerRule
(JUnit 4) or ServerExtension
(JUnit 5):
class MyJUnit5Test {
static final var serviceContexts =
new LinkedBlockingQueue<ServiceRequestContext>();
static final var server = new ServerExtension() {
protected void configure(ServerBuilder sb) throws Exception {
sb.service("/hello", (ctx, req) -> HttpResponse.of(200));
sb.decorator(delegate -> new MySimpleDecoratingHttpService(delegate, ...));
// Record the ServiceRequestContext of each request.
sb.decorator((delegate, ctx, req) -> {
return delegate.serve(ctx, req);
void clearServiceContexts() {
void test() {
// Send a real request.
var client = WebClient.of(server.httpUri());
var res = client.get("/hello").aggregate().join();
// Get the ServiceRequestContext and its log.
var ctx = serviceContexts.take();
var log = sctx.log().whenComplete().join();
// .. check `log` here ..
assertEquals(200, log.responseHeaders().status().code());