I have some working code which follows the pattern seen below.
FIRST_BILLING_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud beta billing accounts list --filter=open=true --format="value(name)" --limit=1)
Check output with: $FIRST_BILLING_ACCOUNT
Prints my billing account's name.
And like this:
REGION=$(gcloud app describe --format="value(locationId.scope())")
Check output with: $REGION
Prints the region.
This does not work:
OUT=$(gcloud builds list --ongoing)
It prints the output: Listed 0 items.
and does not save the value in $OUT.
Other things which do not work, pulled from here: How do I redirect output to a variable in shell?
OUT="$(gcloud builds list --ongoing)"
gcloud builds list --ongoing | read OUT
read OUT < <(gcloud builds list --ongoing)
I even tried this:
echo "gcloud builds list --ongoing" >> tst.sh
chmod +x tst.sh
And it had the same result.
I want to know 2 things: How do I capture this command's output? And why do different gcloud commands seem to behave differently?
I just figured it out. It's printing to STDERR instead of STDOUT. To capture:
OUT=$(gcloud builds list --ongoing 2>&1)
I'll just have to use 2>&1
in all of my checks from now on.