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Filter by schema mongodb drive c#

Does anyone know if I can run this schema on the mongo unit of c #. I also generate a BsonArray, but I don't know how to compile it in context, could anyone help? The original schema below is working, I just changed the names of the fields so there might be a syntax error, but I don't know how to run it in c#.




return new BsonArray
                new BsonDocument("$limit", 1),
                new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument("_id", "$$REMOVE")),
                new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument
                    { "from", "table1" },


  • public static BsonDocument[] GetList()
               return new BsonDocument[]
                   new BsonDocument("$limit", 1),
                   new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument("_id", "$$REMOVE")),
                   new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument
                       { "from", "Table1" },
                       { "pipeline", new BsonArray}
    var list = await _db<Collection>.GetCollection.Aggregate<BsonDocument>(GetList()).ToListAsync();
    if (list.Any())
    var myList= list.Select(x => BsonSerializer.Deserialize<MyObject>(x)).ToList();