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Find shortest and longest path with recursive postgreSql

I am new to PostgreSQL and in recursive queries and have this following problem: I have the following tables

  • node(id, colour)
  • edge(n1,n2)

I have to write a query with a recursive statement that returns the shortest and longest paths between each pair of nodes. The output should look like this: (id1,id2, shortpath,longpath)


  • SQL is probably not the best tool to do this, but you can do it using a recursive CTE.

    For example:

    with recursive
    p as (
      select n1, n2 as n, '/' || n1 || '/' as path, 1 as cost from edge where n1 = 'A'
     union all
      select p.n1, e.n2, p.path || e.n2 || '/', cost + 1
      from p
      join edge e on e.n1 = p.n
      where p.path not like '/' || e.n1 || '/'
        and p.n <> 'E'
    select 'A' as source, 'E' as target, 
      (select min(cost) from p where n = 'E'),
      (select max(cost) from p where n = 'E');


    source  target  min  max 
    ------- ------- ---- --- 
    A       E       2    4   

    See running example at DB Fiddle.