I currently have a c++ project which depend on some external shared objects (.so). My current directory looks like this:
├── src
│ └── .cpp files
├── include
│ ├── glad
│ │ └── .h files
│ └── fmod
│ ├── core
│ │ └── .h files
│ └── studio
│ └── .h files
├── lib
│ └── fmod
│ ├── core
│ │ └── .so files
│ └── studio
│ └── .so files
├── Makefile.am
├── configure.ac
I want to compile this project while simultaneously copying those .so files towards /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, however I can't seem to be able to do this!
The following is my configure.ac file
AC_INIT([autoGL], 1.0)
And my Makefile.am
bin_PROGRAMS = autogl
autogl_SOURCES = src/Source.cpp
autogl_SOURCES+= src/glad.c
autogl_LDADD = -lglfw -ldl
autogl_LDADD+= -L lib/fmod/core -lfmod
autogl_LDADD+= -L lib/fmod/studio -lfmodstudio
autogl_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--no-as-needed,-rpath,lib/fmod/core,-rpath,lib/fmod/studio
autogl_CPPFLAGS = -I include
autogl_CPPFLAGS+= -I include/fmod/core
autogl_CPPFLAGS+= -I include/fmod/studio
autogl_CPPFLAGS+= -I include/fmod/fsbank
You can see that I'm linking every library using the link flags -L lib/fmod/---- -library. Initially, the seventh line of my Makefile.am was only
autogl_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--no-as-needed
resulting in the following g++ code, which was successfull and gave me an executable file
g++ -g -O2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -o autogl autogl-Source.o autogl-glad.o -lglfw -ldl -L lib/fmod/core -lfmod -L lib/fmod/studio/ -lfmodstudio
However, when tried to run this, I would get the following error:
./autogl: error while loading shared libraries: libfmod.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
My shared objects are not being copied to /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib.
With the addition of
autogl_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--no-as-needed,-rpath,lib/fmod/core,-rpath,lib/fmod/studio
since we are linking rpath to our lib files, the program has no problem running. However, if I run make install, the rpath being linked would be /usr/bin/lib/fmod/core and /usr/bin/lib/fmod/studio, which clearly don't have the needed files. My .so files are still not being copied anywhere. I want to copy my .so files directly to /usr/local/lib so that my program can run without me having to link it directly.
How can I force automake to copy these .so files directly to a folder of my choice? (preferable /usr/local/lib).
Found a solution!
Autotools also offers the possibility to transfer data. I added the following to my Makefile.am
flash_DATA= lib/fmod/core/libfmodL.so \
lib/fmod/core/libfmodL.so.12 \
This adds all of my .so files to $(prefix)/lib, which usually is /usr/local/lib.
However, there is a problem, particularly in Ubuntu, where /usr/local/lib is not by default on /etc/ld.so.conf.d, so libraries on /usr/local/lib are not used.
To solve this I added the following line to my makefile.am
ldconfig $(prefix)/lib
This creates a hook which runs AFTER the lib files are already added to $(prefix)/lib, which, when run, adds the folder to /etc/ld.so.conf.d, so now after make install, everything runs smoothly.