I am working on an application in which previous processing has produced a (shortish but variable-length) std::vector
of (big) thrust::device_vector
s, each with the same length (but that length is also variable). I need to convert it to a raw pointer on the device to pass it to a cuda kernel.
I did the process below, which as far as I can see should leave rawNumberSquare
as a pointer on the device, with rawNumberSquare[0]
and rawNumberSquare[1]
each containing a pointer to numberSquareOnDevice[0][0]
and numberSquareOnDevice[1][0]
respectively. So, it seems to me that rawNumberSquare[i][j]
(i,j = 0,1) are all locations assigned by this program and legal to access.
However when a kernel tries to access these location the values are wrong and the program crashes with an illegal memory access.
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <stdio.h>
__global__ void talkKernel( int ** in, int dimension)
int index = threadIdx.x;
for (int coord = 0; coord < dimension; ++coord)
printf("in[%d][%d] = %d\n", coord, index, in[coord][index]);
int main()
//print out name of GPU in case it is helpful
int deviceNumber;
cudaDeviceProp prop;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, deviceNumber);
std::cout << prop.name << "\n";
//make a std::vector of std::vectors of ints
std::vector<std::vector<int>> numberSquareOnHost{ {1,2}, {3,4} };
//copy the values of each vector to the device
std::vector<thrust::device_vector<int>> numberSquareDevice;
for (auto& vector : numberSquareOnHost)
//copy the raw pointers to start of the device vectors to a std::vector
std::vector<int*> halfRawNumberSquareOnHost(2);
for ( int i = 0; i < 2 ; ++i)
halfRawNumberSquareOnHost[i] = (thrust::raw_pointer_cast(numberSquareOnHost[i].data()));
//copy the raw pointers ot the device
thrust::device_vector<int*> halfRawNumberSquareOnDevice(halfRawNumberSquareOnHost);
//get raw pointer (on the device) to the raw pointers (on the device)
int** rawNumberSquare = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(halfRawNumberSquareOnDevice.data());
//call the kernel
talkKernel <<<1,2 >>> ( rawNumberSquare, 2);
//ask what's up'
std::cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError()) << "\n";
return 0;
* Quadro M2200
in[0][0] = 0
in[0][1] = 0
in[1][0] = 0
in[1][1] = 0
an illegal memory access was encountered
...\vectorOfVectors.exe (process 6428) exited with code -1073740791.
I also tried all such as allocating a host pointer to (raw device) int*
with new
rather than using the std::vector<int*> halfRawNumberSquareOnHost
and allocating the device int** rawSquareOnDevice
with cudaMalloc
(and filling it with cudaMemcpy
). This didn't make a difference.
Your error is here:
halfRawNumberSquareOnHost[i] = (thrust::raw_pointer_cast(numberSquareOnHost[i].data()));
it should be:
halfRawNumberSquareOnHost[i] = (thrust::raw_pointer_cast(numberSquareDevice[i].data()));
The first is grabbing a host pointer (not what you want at that point.) The second is grabbing a device pointer. Stated another way, you built numberSquareDevice
for a reason, but your code as posted doesn't actually use it.