I am trying to follow https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/spin.html to render an R script to html.
I would like to use roxygen2 conventions and write R scripts so that I can render them to a report if needed or run without RStudio.
I am wondering how to acquire automatic date calculation in this case.
The code below will result in an Errr in Yaml:
Scanner error: while parsing a quoted scalar at line 3, column 7 found unknown escape character at line 3, column 9
The incorrect code includes an attemt where at line 3 of yaml I am trying to enter a date calculated a line lower.
#' ---
#' title: "Onko project"
#' author: "Jacek Kotowski"
#' date: "$\date$"
{{date <- Sys.Date()}}
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' code_folding: show
#' toc: true
#' toc_float: false
#' number_sections: true
#' highlight: pygments
#' df_print: paged
#' css: style.css
#' ---
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
is what I use for inline R auto date in the YAML, which will give you the current system date when rendering