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Does a AzureML webservice overwrite reset the Data Collection Dataset?

If we have an AzureML web service endpoint that is collecting data (for Data Drift Monitoring), does overwriting the web service endpoint with a new version of the model break links with the Dataset registered for collecting data.

The relative path to this dataset is: <Subscription-ID>/<Resource-Group>/<Workspace>/<Webservice-Name>/<model-name>/<version>/inputs/**/inputs*.csv

If we redeploy a new version using az ml model deploy ..... --overwrite, will we need a new reference to a new Dataset for detecting Data Drift?

If we use az ml service update .., will the Dataset reference be kept intact?


  • Since the Dataset Asset is a simple reference to a location in a Datastore. Assuming the model version and service name does not change, the Dataset reference also will not change. If however, with every Service Update - The model version changes then adding a Dataset with Relative Path:


    Will solve the problem. Since Data Drift is another service referencing this Dataset asset, it will keep working as expected.