My goal is to create an installer that both can come up with a conditional parameter at startup but can have a checkable task too.
Via an optional parameter /NOAUTOSTART
the installer should skip creating an entry in the Registry which lets the tool start at Windows login.
Additionally this feature should be able to be toggled via a Task and lets the user decide, whether this feature should be enabled or not.
Furthermore, if the parameter /NOAUTOSTART
is passed while executing the installer, this task/window should be skipped anyways, therefore overruling this screen.
How is that possible?
I've been coming up with the following solution sofar:
Name: autostartWhenChecked; Description: "Automatically start agent on login"
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; \
ValueType: string; ValueName: "Updater Agent"; \
ValueData: """{app}\Agent.exe"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; \
Tasks: autostartWhenChecked;
This successfully handles the checkbox in my installer.
But in combination with the following, retrieving the startup parameter (thanks to this answer: Passing conditional parameter in Inno Setup):
function CmdLineParamExists(const Value: string): Boolean;
I: Integer;
Result := False;
for I := 1 to ParamCount do
if CompareText(ParamStr(I), Value) = 0 then
Result := True;
function ShouldEnableAutostart: Boolean;
if CmdLineParamExists('/NOAUTOSTART') then
Checkbox :=
'Automatically start agent on login');
WizardForm.TasksList.CheckItem(Checkbox, coUncheck);
Result := False;
Result := True;
I can't combine those two possibilities. Furthermore I'm struggling on how to get the index of the task, the code above always returns an index out of bounds (-1). Seems like the description text of the task can't be found anyhow.
Just hide the task, using the Check
parameter referring to your CmdLineParamExists
function, if it detects that the command-line parameter is specified.
Name: autostartWhenChecked; Description: "Automatically start agent on login"; \
GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; \
Check: not CmdLineParamExists('/NOAUTOSTART')