Is there a way to limit the lifetime of a running spring-batch job to e.g. 23 hours?
We start a batch job daily by a cron job and he job takes about 9 hours. It happened under some circumstances that the DB connection was so slow that the job took over 60 hours to complete. The problem is that the next job instance gets started by the cronjob the next day - and then anotherone the day after - and anotherone...
If this job is not finished within e.g. 23 hours, I want to terminate it and return an error. Is there a way to do that out-of-the-box with spring-batch?
Using a StepListener you can stop a job by calling StepExecution#setTerminateOnly
And the TimeoutListener could look like this
public class TimeoutListener implements StepListener {
private StepExecution stepExecution;
public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {
this.stepExecution = stepExecution;
public void beforeRead() {
if (jobShouldStop()) {
private boolean jobShouldStop() {
// ...
This will gracefully stop the job, without forcefully terminate any running steps.