I have a hexadecimal code as below.
Then, I go to https://www.scadacore.com/tools/programming-calculators/online-checksum-calculator/ to calculate the CheckSum8 Xor. The result returns "a0". I want to know how this calculator works. Can anyone explain to me with Python function? Thank you.
CheckSum8 Xor
I have played with tool you linked and it seems to be using Parity word algorithm in this case you might compute it as follows:
s and 1
s)Note that as we need 4-bits to write one hex digit, we might just replace 1. and 2. using split into chunks, each holding 2 base-16 digits.
Example: input is ABCDEF
then chunks are AB
, CD
, EF
checksum is AB
xor CD
xor EF
which gives 89
. In python
this might be expressed as
print(hex(0xAB ^ 0xCD ^ 0xEF))