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My JavaScript file is not being read in my PUG file. Any idea why this not working?

Things I've tried:

I've tested the confetti.js file on a simple HTML website, but when I want to use it for a ExpressJS/Pug project, it's not working.

I've pasted the js code directly as a inline script, and it worked, but not like it does on a regular HTML website.

However, I want to use it in a script file, and it's not working at all. Here is my code:

extends layout

block content
        h1.header-title Cool Title
                h2.about-title About
                p.about-body text stuff......
                p.about-body text stuff......
                button#demo.button(onclick="move_login()") Login
                button(class="register-login register-white" onclick="move_register()") Register
        function move_login() {
            window.location.href = '/user-login';
        function move_register() {
            window.location.href = '/user-register';

I appreciate the help.


  • The issue was I did not add the JS file to my public folder. Thanks for your help Muhammad Saquib Shaikh.