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prolog atom concat swi and yap prolog

input :



:- ensure_loaded(library(lists)).

run([X|Y],Out) :-
   X =.. [Fct|Args],
   X =..Total,
   Out =.. [Fct_A|Total].

on swi prolog i get the right answer:

A = abs_3(p, X, Y, Z).

on yap prolog fail. Seen that i should use yap.

what i have to use instead of concat(abs_,L,Fct_A) ? i tried atom_codes but it append strange ascii on the end of the atom. please help .


  • In this case SWI is incorrect. The goal atom_concat(a,1,X) has to produce a type error according to ISO ; and IF, YAP, B, GNU, SICStus, XSB, Ciao all behave that way. In ISO, there is atom_chars/2 and number_chars/2. So what you want is

    atom_number_concat(A, N, AN) :-
       number_chars(N, Chs),
       atom_chars(Na, Chs),
       atom_concat(A, Na, AN).

    YAP has a special built-in atom_number/2 which would replace the first two goals.