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Create a popup media player using JS?

I have been trying to make an audio player that has basic controls allowing audio to be played instead of a video. It needs to be viewed in PIP mode, as well. Here is my code so far:

    var audio = document.createElement('audio'); // The Audio

    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // New Canvas To Contain Video
    canvas.width = canvas.height = 512;

    var video = document.createElement('video'); // Create Video
    video.srcObject = canvas.captureStream(); // Make Video Reflect The Canvas
    video.muted = true;

    function showPictureInPictureWindow() {
      const image = new Image();
      image.crossOrigin = true;
      image.src = [...navigator.mediaSession.metadata.artwork].pop().src;

      canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, 0, 0, 512, 512);
      video.onloadedmetadata = function() {;
    window.VID = video;
    window.AU = audio;
    function playAudio() {
        audio.src = "mysong.mp3";
        // Update Media Session metadata
        navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({
          title: "Audio Title",
          artist: "MEEEEEEE",
          album: "LOOOL",
          artwork: [{src: "graphics/128x128.png", sizes: "128x128", type: "image/png"}]
        // Play audio;
        // Show track album in a Picture-in-Picture window

Any help that you can give me would be very much appreciated. (I already have the pause and play functions but I didn't include them for message size)

PS: (I don't know why, but earlier I was getting an error that said "JavaScript exception: Failed to execute 'requestPictureInPicture' on 'HTMLVideoElement': Metadata for the video element are not loaded yet" and now I have no errors at all... and no music either...)

PPS: (I fixed some of the bugs... and now I have the original error again.)


  • I have the same problem as you, but I have solved it
    My solution:
    My guess is that the video data did not load successfully when the RequestPicturePicture function was executed
    So you can execute the RequestPicturePicture function in the loadedData function