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I'm looking to create an automated numbering system for custom paint by number kits in photoshop

So I know very little about programming all around. I'm adept at photoshop and I'm looking to automate the numbering system for making these paint by number kits. I convert the images into vector format and set a maximum number of color variations. I then use adobe illustrator to create the outlined partitions of the image by color. This is all well and good, it's automated and efficient as far as I need.

My dilemma is that I do not have a system that can number these partitions in a clear and uniform fashion. I must do this tediously in photoshop, taking hours to finish.

I am looking to create or find a system that will do this last step automatically.

My vison for how this would look would be numbers, 1-20 or so depending on the set color cap, evenly distributed across each partition in uniform font and size. The idea is that there would be a grid of 1 number (this number would be the reference to the color needed in this partition) spread across larger partitions and only a few of 1 number on the smaller partitions. It would hopefully look like so:

You can see here how tedious this can become.

I don't know how to accomplish this, but I'm wondering how complicated this process would be in theory and would it be better for me to learn how to do it myself, hire a professional, or continue the hand numbering. It's creating a labor cap on my small business that is preventing me from further growth.

Any and all help is very much appreciated; if I can provide more context or specifications I would be more than happy to do so. Thank you!


  • It can be done with script to some degree. It will work fine for simply forms. But for complicated forms it will be too hard to calculate where you need to put all numbers and how many number will be enough.

    But I saw scripts that can fill any form with any symbols. So it's possible to fill any form with numbers, I think, technically.

    Of course, if you aren't a seasoned coder it makes no sense to try to do it at home. You need a pro (not even me).

    And I see another very simply options as well:

    enter image description here

    It doesn't even need a script. What do you think?