I need to modify my localhost page server response (edit headers) - I'm using XAMPP (apache + msql, on linux machine). I can't find how to do that. Maybe some of the programmers/admins know how I can make it happened - share their knowledge and save me time.
If there is any article/link I would use it gladly.
I cannot use live server (my page is a total mess - it working on localhost by miracle...), and the only thing I have installed is xampp, so editing response headers through xampp would be perfect.
Thanks for any directions.
EDIT: https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/developer-corner/apache-web-server/modifying-http-headers
is not working for me.
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Test "testing"
inside of .htaccess
In you .htaccess file (witch should be placed where your index.html is) type:
### add custom header to all server responses from ALL files:
Header add Custom-Header: "parameter=value"
### add custom header to SINGLE file:
<Files someOtherFile.html>
Header add Custom-Header: "parameter=value"
I'm using linux, maybe on windows there is something more you should do but remember to restart xampp after editing .htaccess.