In this question:
How to disable a specific nvcc compiler warnings
there's a link to a long "dictionary" mapping tokens to error messages, which seems to fit NVCC ... except it doesn't cover all warnings. Specifically, I want to suppress
warning: 'long double' is treated as 'double' in device code
... and that warning isn't in there. What's the token for it? Or perhaps - how can I determine the token given a warning string?
Note: AFAICT, it's not
"double" used for "long double" in generated C code
which is very similar.
The number of that warning is 20208; thus, it will be suppressed if you append the following to your compilation command-line:
-Xcudafe --diag_suppress=20208
I figured this out thanks to this answer, which explains how you can get NVCC to emit warning numbers.
However - this doesn't work:
#pragma diag_suppress = 20208
so the syntax for suppressing errors by number within the code must be different.
Note: Don't mistake diag-suppress
for diag_suppress