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The service "…" has a dependency on a non-existent service "property_accessor" when upgrading to Symfony 5.3

We have an issue with the bundle (please note that I'm one of the maintainers of this bundle, the issue is not about using that bundle in a project)

Tests were broken on the main 2.x branch with the following error:

Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: The service "nelmio_alice.property_accessor.std" has a dependency on a non-existent service "property_accessor". Did you mean this: "nelmio_alice.property_accessor.std"?

Here is how that service is declared in vendor/nelmio/alice/src/Bridge/Symfony/Resources/config/property_access.xml:

        <service id="nelmio_alice.property_accessor.std"
           <argument type="service" id="property_accessor" />

This code should be called because NelmioAliceBundle is loaded in AppKernel.

So we added this to composer.json to forbid symfony/property-access 5.3 and it fixed the error:

"symfony/property-access": "^4.4 || ^5.0 , <5.3",

But if we remove that workaround, it breaks again. And I don't understand what is causing this issue.

Forbidding symfony/framework-bundle 5.3 also fixes the issue:

What is causing the absence of property_accessor when we use symfony/framework-bundle 5.3 or symfony/property-access 5.3?

How to replicate the error

git clone
cd LiipTestFixturesBundle
git checkout remove-required-symfony/property-access
composer install
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/Test/ConfigEventsTest.php


  • Adding property_access: ~ to the framework configuration fixed the issue (commit).

    It looks like the service was missing when it wasn't configured.

    The issue is reproducible on a fresh Symfony install:

    $ bin/console debug:container property_accessor
    [critical] Error thrown while running command "debug:container property_accessor". Message: "No services found that match "property_accessor"."
      No services found that match "property_accessor".  

    If you have that issue too, run composer require symfony/property-access.