How can I replace the backslash in "\u2655"
(greater equal sign) to "\\u2655"
I've tried the following:
str_replace_all("\u2265", "\\\\", "\\\\\\")
stri_replace_all_fixed("\u2265", "\\", "\\\\")
Both lead to "≥"
which is not "\u2265"
We interpret the problem as having an input character string containing unicode and we want to show the unicode as escaped symbols instead.
For example if x
is a single unicode character then this will give a 6 character string whose first character is backslash, second is u
and next 4 are digits.
x <- "\u2265"
## [1] 1
cat(x, "\n")
## ≥
y <- stringi::stri_escape_unicode(x)
## [1] 6
cat(y, "\n")
## \u2265