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Removing empty last page space

I often have documents containing several pages with spaces and tabs after copy / paste

I'm trying to erase everything behind the last character entered to print without having to select the number of pages

I only need the first page to print

Can you give me the lead?

The tanaikech script does not work for my use.


  • Tanaike's script removes only one last paragraph and it removes it without of checking if the paragraph is empty.

    If you want to remove all empty paragraphs at the end of a doc you can do it this way (beware, it makes call to API for every empty paragraph, see my updated version):

    function main() {
      var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
      var id = doc.getId();
      var text = doc.getBody().getText();
      var pgfs = text.split('\n');
      while(pgfs.pop().replace(/\s+/,"") == "") remove_last_pgf(id);
    // original Tanaike's script goes here
    function remove_last_pgf(docId) {
      var c = Docs.Documents.get(docId, {
      fields: "body.content"
            requests: [
                deleteContentRange: {
                  range: { startIndex: c.startIndex - 1, endIndex: c.endIndex - 1 }

    Don't forget to add Google Docs API in Services of Script Editor:

    enter image description here


    I've refined the script a little bit further:

    function main() {
      var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
      var docId = doc.getId();
      var empty_tail = doc.getBody().getText().search(/\s+$/) + 1;
      if (empty_tail == 0) return; // prevent the error for empty docs
      var content = Docs.Documents.get(docId,{fields: "body.content"}).body.content.pop();
      var range = { startIndex: empty_tail, endIndex: content.endIndex-1 };
      var req = { deleteContentRange: { range } };
      Docs.Documents.batchUpdate( {requests: [req] }, docId );

    Now it should work faster since it doesn't call API for every empty line. It gets the position where the empty characters \s+ start and removes them all with one call to API.