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SQL "Order of execution" vs "Order of writing"

I am a new learner of SQL language to add knowledge to my career, I came to learn that in writing a query, there is a "Order of writing" vs "Order of execution", however I can't seem to find a full list of available SQL functions listing out the hierarchy

So far from what I learn I got this table, can someone with better knowledge help confirm if my table below is correct? And perhaps add any other functions that I might have missed, I am not sure where I should put the JOIN in the table below

Also, is there a difference (either in order or name of function) if I am using different Sql platforms? MySql vs BigQuery for eg.

Your help is deeply appreciated, big thanks in advance for reading this post by a beginner

Order of writing Order of execution
Select From
Top Where
Distinct Group by
From Having
Where Select
Group by Window
Order by Distinct
Second Order by
Limit Limit


  • SQL is a declarative language, not a procedural language. That means that the SQL compiler and optimizer determine what operations are actually run. These operations typically take the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of operations.

    The operators have no obvious relationship to the original query -- except that the results it generates are guaranteed to be the same. In terms of execution there are no clauses, just things like "hash join" and "filter" and "sort" -- or whatever the database implements for the DAG.

    You are confusing execution with compilation and probably you just care about scoping rules.

    So, to start with SQL has a set of clauses and these are in a very specified order. Your question contains this ordering -- at least for a database that supports those clauses.

    The second part is the ordering for identifying identifiers. Basically, this comes down to:

    • Table aliases are defined in the FROM clause. So this can be considered as "first" for scoping purposes.
    • Column aliases are defined in the SELECT clause. By the SQL Standard, column aliases can be used in the ORDER BY. Many databases extend this to the QUALIFY (if supported), HAVING, and GROUP BY clauses. In general, databases do not support them in the WHERE clause.
    • If two tables in the FROM have the same column name, then the column has to be qualified to identify the table. The one exception to this is when the column is a key in a JOIN and the USING clause is used. Then the unqualified column name is fine.
    • If a column alias defined in the SELECT conflicts with a table alias in a clause that supports column aliases, then it is up to the database which to choose.