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partialFunction in collectFirst

I have a sequence of some objects and I want to collect the first element for which another function returns Some()

For now, my code works this way:

  case elem if doSmth(elem).nonEmpty => 
    (doSmth(elem).get, elem)

Is there a way to:

  1. Refactor it not to call doSmth twice?

  2. change this code to log smth in case doSmth returns None

res.match {
  case Some(v) => v
  case None =>"Searching further...")//partial function doesn't match

I would say, the main question is - is it possible to create a PartialFunction that matches all cases, but for some of the cases we do produce some side effect (log message in this case) and explicitly say that it is not matched?


I am wondering, why would the following code throw an error when I run tests (not compilation error though)

case elem => 
  val r: Option[Int] = doSmth(elem)
  r match {
    case Some(res) => res


  • Yeah, there may be a way to not call doSmth twice and log the empties, but that would look pretty ugly (you'd have to subclass PartialFunction explicitly, spell out isDefined, and have a var member to keep the result).

    Overall, this is just not a good use case for collectFirst. Just do something like this instead:

         .flatMap { 
           case None => 
           case x => x

    Or if you are like me, and prefer a series of short transformations chained together to one monolithic function, here's a fancy way:

        .collectFirst { case Right(x) => x }