I'd like to insert some test xml data into a table before executing a stored proc that parses the xml and populates another table.
Setup: Insert test data
Insert into dbo.XML_Table
'<Document File="123" NoOfPages="1">
<Page Number="1">
The query works fine in SQL Server management studio
Insert into dbo.XML_Table
'<Document File="123" NoOfPages="1">
<Page Number="1">
However, when I save the test in dbfit, it looks like this in the browser
Setup: Insert test data
Insert into dbo.XML_Table Values ( 99, ' ', GetDate(), 'gilbert' )
When I run the test, it appears to execute ok. There are no errors. I ran SQL Server profiler and can't see the query there.
I have 30+ other tests in this project that run ok, all selecting data.
Can anyone help?
Looks like the XML markup is getting confused with HTML markup. Try escaping the XML:
'<Document File="123" NoOfPages="1">