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Matlab PointCloud processing permutation

given two point clouds P,Q, and a permutation matrix X. We can say P = Q X. However X is unknown. Has Matlab a implementation for point clouds to find the right permutation matrix?


  • I think your issue is that you are getting too focused on point clouds and permutations. Lets rephrase:

    "Given two matrices P, Q, and an unknown matrix X, can matlab solve QX=P?"

    The answer is of course yes, this is just a normal linear system of equations, often described as Ax=b in the literature. Solving linear systems of equations is a subfield of mathematics itself, but it is so common to have this issue that MATLAB has a function that will try to choose the best algorithm for you. Simply:

    x=A\b; % or x=Q\P;

    Read the docs for mldivide